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 Forum terms of use per forum provider

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Age : 62
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Forum terms of use per forum provider Empty
PostSubject: Forum terms of use per forum provider   Forum terms of use per forum provider EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 9:23 pm

Terms of service
GENERAL CONDITIONS Of USE OF SERVICE is a service allowing the free creation of discussions forums.


From the company: The information which are conveyed on the site are supplied in their integrity. The company doesn't give any guarantee, explicit or implicit, and doesn't assume any responsibility related to the use of these informations.
These informations might be modified or updated without prompt.

From the user: The user of the site is held responsible of any damage of any kinds, material or immaterial, indirect, caused to any third-party, including, by the fact of the illicit use or exploitation of the site itself or one of its elements, whatever the cause and the location of the damages, and guarantee from the consequences of the complaints or legal action he might be faced to.

The user of renounces to take any legal action against in case of legal proceeding taken by a third-party against him by the fact of the illicit use, and/or the exploitation of the site of

Responsibility of the login and the password
When you register, you will receive a password and a login. You are responsible of keeping the confidentiality of the password and the login, and you are as well entirely responsible of any activity done under your password or login. You have to inform immediately if an unauthorized use of your password, account or any other security infringement is done. You have to make sure that you disconnect from your account at the end of each session. cannot, and will not be held responsible of any loss or damage which results from a breach in these conditions.

Responsibility of contents
You acknowledge and convene that any information, code, data, text, software, music, sound, photograph, picture, graphics, video, chat, messages, feature, or any other content, if transmitted publicly or in private, are the only responsibility of the person from whom the content comes from.. This means that you are, and in any case, entirely responsible of any content that you upload/download, post, send by email or transmitted by any other way, than via the services. In none circumstance, will be held responsible in any way or any content from a user or from a third-party, including but not limited, for any mistake or omission in these contents, or for any loss or damage of this kind, by the fact of the use of these contents noticed and, sent by email or transmitted in any way via the services.

Data and security
Everything is done to avoid any slowdown or unexpected downtime of the services, but it is not possible to guarantee these slowdowns, or to foresee any downtime. None network or server problem or any other breakdown can be covered under any warranty. None repayment can be considered for any break or stop of the services, damage or data loss. Several systems have been set up to ensure a security of the content. Thus, a backup of the whole data is done everyday. But for any reason, none individual backup or sql dump, database will be provided. Please do take good note that for any evoked reasons, no precise safeguard of a forum, dump, backup of the data will be provided. However, the administrator of the forum has at his disposal, a tool which allows him to use these backups in order to restore his board, such as it was at a previous date.

Use of your personal data
By using this site, you consent that the site uses the personal data which concerns you, and that you have transmitted. This data is necessary so we can send you newsletters for example, and to permit you to benefit of some services offered by this site.

You benefit of the right to access, to the correction or the opposition concerning the registered collected informations data of your concern. This right can be exerted by sending us a email or by standard mail to the company.

We are likely to share non-personal information in collective form with third parties.

When we do appeal to third parties in the processing of your personal informations, we ensure that they respect our rules of Confidentiality as well as any appropriated confidentiality or security measures.

We might transmit information to third parties in precise circumstances, in particular among others, requests from public authorities, in order to prevent frauds or imminent damages, but also to ensure the security of our network and services.

You can also refuse to provide us personal information and / or refuse the cookies in your browser. However, this might disrupt the functioning of some services or features.

With a simple request, you can access to your personal informations, to correct or erase them in case of mistake.

Illicit contents
Forums that does welcome or promote warez, piracy, hacking, cracking, spamming, attacks against networks or servers, pornography, racial hatred, crimes against humanity, inappropriate activities on the servers, or any other actions which violate any applicable laws, aren't allowed. Any forum which contains texts, links, pictures, animations, videos or any other content recognized as illegal will be deleted without notice or warning. reserves the right to delete any accounts or forums considered like not conform to the rules quoted here or specified in or in the international website rules according to the international internet law. Any illegal content or act can or would be reported to the concerned services and prosecuted.

Limitations of the services
The products and services can be used only in the precise way for which such products and services have been made for. You cannot use the products and services, or associate them to any content or activity which might be harmful to the any individual person's private rights :
Contents which are illegal, harmful, threatening, improper, slanderous, vulgar, obscene or ethically reprehensible
Content which disclose personal datum that could identifies children under age of 18 or which exploit the images. is a site entirely free. We strive to offer quality service. We ask that you do not remove the copyright information and footer set up on your forums because they prove you belong to the family. Every forum that has edited or removed these links will receive a warning.

Also, it is forbidden to remove or hide the sponsored links through any means other than the one provided, namely the credits management. We provide a quality service completely free and are always looking to improve it to meet your expectations. For these reasons, we ask that you respect our terms.

Respect of the copyrights and brands
The whole of the elements that you see, or read on this website is protected by the legislation about copyright. In any case, you cannot use, distribute, copy, reproduce, modify, alter or transmit the site or elements of the site, such as texts, images without having previously gotten a written permission of the company. The brands and logos which appear on the site, are owned by the company and all rights reserved. None right or license could be allotted on any of these elements without any written permission from the company or the third party who holds rights on the brand or logo which appear on the site. The company reserves the right to prosecute any patent infringement of his ownership, in front of a law court.

Modification of the Terms of service
These terms of service might be modified at any moment, at's discretion. All accounts have to be in conformity with all changes which have been done in these policies.

By using the services of, you accept, without any limitation or qualification, to be in accordance and to fulfill the terms of service as well as their punctual modifications, and to all other reported instructions or rules in application of any specific service.

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