Doll-Mart Seller Forum
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Doll-Mart Seller Forum

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If you sell Regularly and want to join ARTIST SALES SECTION then please contact me so I can set-you up! Tell me the Category(s) you want to be in (up to 3). ONLY Artists with a forum under ARTIST SALES can post in this section, they can also moderate their assigned forum.  BUYERS can comment and ask Questions  as well



 Here are the guidelines, rules and legalities to selling/buying.

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Posts : 338
Visit status : 6
Join date : 2010-09-26
Age : 62
Location : NH

Here are the guidelines, rules and legalities to selling/buying. Empty
PostSubject: Here are the guidelines, rules and legalities to selling/buying.   Here are the guidelines, rules and legalities to selling/buying. EmptySun Oct 03, 2010 11:07 pm

Hello and Welcome to Doll-Mart Extravaganza!!

PLEASE read this if you will be selling or buying on this site.

This site does not favor either buyers or sellers. EACH decision and action is made on an individual basis.

Transactions done here are no differant than transactions done on other forums or selling/buying sites.

We DO NOT provide legal assistance or insurance with/for Transaction problems.

Each person buys or sells at their own risk. Use paypal or credit card services (which are also available thru paypal) if your concerned and want some kind of protection.

***Some steps You can to take to buy/sell more safely are outlined below in the legalities section

The actions we DO take for infractions of conduct on the site include giving a warning for minor matters to a person (3 warnings results in the removal from the site), or immediately banning the person from the site for serious matters/infractions.

We Will also attempt to work with both parties as a neutral party to help resolve the matter.

In Fraud cases we do report the situation to the FBI internet fraud dept. (this includes buyer/seller fraud such as buying an item, getting it and then going to paypal and filing a claim and NOT returning the item bought in it's original condition. Or accepting a buyers money and never sending the item purchased).

There are NO charges for anyone to use this site:

Artist Sales are free and all sales made are the Sellers; no commission or fees are charged.

Member sales are free and all sales made are the members; No commissions or fees are charged.

YOU will find a DONATION button at the top of the home page. All Donations are welcomed. Any Donations made will be reinvested into the site to pay for such things as Domain name, gifts for the free drawings section, extra memory for the site...etc



Be PRECISE in the title's of your ads so buyers know immediately what you are selling. Include such thing as sizes, material of item (crochet,vinyl,resin, etc).

Include a picture(s) so buyers can see what you are selling. In the description of your ad be sure to fully describe the item and include pictures so the buyer can know exactly what they are buying.

MARK SOLD on those items you are selling and have sold. Not marking an item sold when it has can jeopardize the number of people willing to check your ads and buy from you.

You are free to include your website links in your sales, as well as your Ebay id.

*ARTIST SELLERS can make a post with their website link and ebay id

To keep your links and terms of sale at the top of your store:
> click new topic > and then go to the lower right of their post screen >click on the 'moderator' button >go down to 'sticky' with your pointer and click on it.
This assures that this info will always be at the top of your forum.

DO NOT list an item for sale here and also on ebay. INSTEAD if you are going to list something on ebay then provide the link to your auction in the EBAY auctions section for all sellers. DO NOT use your assigned Artist Sales forum for just posting links to your ebay auctions.

You must have items on your store/forum that can be bought here, If your store has no items in your store for longer than 6 weeks and you do not contact me I am going to assume you will not be selling here and close out your store. I do this for a couple of reasons:
1) Consistantly empty stores will drive away traffic rather than attract it and this is not fair to those who are selling here.
2) I don't want people to set up a store here just to have their name plugged in but have no intention of selling anything, again because this is not fair to those truly selling here.
*This policy begins Oct 25, 2010

ARTIST sure to delete old sale ads after a couple of weeks. You might choose to keep a sold item up for a week or two so buyers can see some
of your past work.

ALL SELLERS are welcome to do a buy it now or best offer sale.



PLEASE NOTE: ANY discovered fraud WILL be reported to the FBI Internet Fraud Dept. See link provided for more info.:

ALL buying/selling transactions are between those persons doing the buying and selling.

This website was set up as a free community to help both buyers and sellers as well as bring dolly lovers together in a fun and safe environment.

As a buyer or Seller please conduct yourself in an honest, respectful, and straight forward manner. Do not sell if you do not intend on sending out the item to the buyer.

Do not buy if you do not intend on paying. Any person's on this site who does not conduct themselves honestly, respectfully and in a straight forward manner will be permanantly
banned from the site.

CONTACT the administration of this forum if you are having problems with a transaction. We will ALWAYS require that the involved parties attempt to work it out between themselves. We will ALWAYS require that the agency (such as paypal) you used to pay or sell with be contacted first when a dispute comes up and cannot be resolved. More info on this can be found below.PAYPAL does now offer a service where things can be paid with thru a credit card. You may want to check that out.

We ENCOURAGE all buyers and sellers who have an ebay account to provide the link to their feedback page so your buying and selling history can be seen. This will help build confidence for both buyers and Sellers. There is a feedback section here for both buyers and sellers, please be sure to go and leave feedback for one another.

Any BUYER or SELLER who has concerns about being safe in the buying and selling process is Encouraged to buy/sell with paypal (or similiar agency) ONLY as this assures you protections in your transactions by these agencies.


Be sure to get your buyers full name, address, and email address in addition to any other info pertinant to your sale.

SELLERS If you are willing to take money order's, You are encouraged to do Post office Money orders as they have the highest assurances of being able to beverified as legitimate a Money Order. You must stipulate that as soon as you receive the money order and it has been cashed then you will ship the item.

BUYERS if you pay by money order send it certified mail so a signature is required and you are notified when the Seller has received it.

IF an issue arises with a transaction, FIRST attempt to work it out between yourselves and do so respectfully. SAVE all correspondence. If there is an issue concerning payment and you used Paypal, follow the guidelines of Paypal in opening a dispute. DO NOT let 30 days pass before opening a dispute EVEN if there are promises to remedy the situation. Paypal disputes do disappear or can be canceled when the situation is resolved.


As a seller ALWAYS provide tracking with your shipping so a package can be tracked if it does not arrive on time.

Give BUYERS the option of insurance in the shipping and REQUIRE insurance coverage for anything costing more than a given amount (Each Seller determines what that amount will be).

Changes or additions may be made to the above info. If changes or additions are made all members will receive a newsletter showing these changes. You can also find a post with the above info at the top of the home page's very first topics.

Thank you!
Doll-mart Extravaganza Forum
Elizabeth Townsley (Admin)

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Here are the guidelines, rules and legalities to selling/buying.
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